Lance started writing about 15 years ago. After having four books of poetry published. He turned his attention to fiction. The first was a book titled Love Storm: The Beginning. Next came Love Storm: Love Laughter And Tears.
He mixes his hobbies and interests into his writing, so many parts that you read are actually true. After writing Deadly Desire and getting noticed by what he thought at the time was Hollywood. He was asked to write a prequel that promised to be a little more than simply writing a book. How do you write the book before, after? Taking two of the stories he had previously written. Then adding an additional 100 plus pages he came up with and published prequel (Fight To Survive). Next came the sequel (Surviving Evil) that was considerably easier. Simply let his imagination run wild. For now he’s going to continue concentrating his efforts on writing the Joe and Kay West series. With Blood In The Desert Sand and Justifiable Vengeance both finished and available. He is currently writing Nowhere To Run which promises to be a very exciting story. He has more ideas to continue this series along with ideas to possibly continue the Love Storm series.
Lance has a great love for the outdoors and we believe it shows in his writing. Lance enjoys most outdoor activities like fishing, hunting, hiking and camping. He’s even been winter survival camping. Yes, that means he had slept outside in a snow cave in the middle of winter. Now remember he lives in northern Minnesota. In his travels and being a long distance trucker, Lance has been in all the lower 48 states, most of Canada and Alaska. As of now the only state he hasn’t been in is Hawaii. He’s made a promise to complete the list someday. All of the areas he describes in his writing he has seen first hand while trucking, hiking, or hunting. Lance is also a licensed pilot and has spent numerous hours flying to various destinations to enjoy the outdoors. Mother Earth or Mother Nature is an unbelievable mistress-once she has you in her grasp, you’ll spend every extra minute exploring her beauty.

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